Author: adminburcher

  • Delete Account

    To delete your account, please email . We will try and respond to all emails within 24 hours.

  • Contact Us

    To contact us, please email . We will try and respond to all emails within 24 hours.

  • How can you help us?

    Spread the word We want fans to have a say in the sports they love. The more fans we have contributing their say the stronger the collective voice. So please tell your friends and share the app. Financial support We believe the best way to give everyone a say in the sport that they love…

  • Terms and Conditions

    Our Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) were last updated in January 2024. The “App” means the software program called ‘Fans have your say’ downloaded by You on any electronic device,and associated services including but not limited to the website at, e-commerce facilities and any linked services. By using the App you agree that You have…

  • Privacy Policy

    What information do we collect?Your privacy is important to us (and we are not just saying that) so we only collect what is necessary. We only collect the information you provide to us. We do not use cookies. Why do we collect the information and what is it used for?We use your personal details to…